Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Life is Average

Despite all the super cool things I've done and seen here, it still most of the time is pretty average. Yes, I did see and entire family including about 5 children living on the street yesterday begging for money, something I normally don't see, but I'm getting used to that kind of thing. This is my life now, and if I tell all you guys only the things that are incredible and awesome, that would be false advertising (that just sounds cool, I'm not really advertising Bolivia.....or am I?) Well anyways, believe it or not sometimes I don't do a whole lot. Like Wednesday for example: I woke up, ate breakfast, my mom drove me to school, I went to school for 5 hours, my brother picked me up, I ate lunch, I took a nap, I watched tv, I checked my e-mail, I hung out with the family and watched tv, then went to the movies. Pretty normal day I think. Now I could go into great detail about the amazing Cine Center, movie theatre and all it's greatness, but lets just say it's really, really big and I saw Friends with Benefits. There. I have a normal life here, and its not all rainbows and unicorns either.
My Life is Average.

1 comment:

  1. Everybody's life is pretty average, at least from time to time. What is amazing is seeing the world from a totally different perspective, outside of Waupaca, outside of Wisconsin, outside of America, & outside of North America. Now that is pretty cool! Also, in this time of easy connectivity, you'll be able to easily remain friends with the friends you've made from so far away.
