Monday, October 10, 2011

Hiking for Orchids

This past weekend I went on a trip with 14 other exchange students (my whole district) to and Orchid Festival in a small town called Concepcion. We took a bus almost 6 hours,stopping in a cute town for some lunch and a tour of a mission. We saw beautiful churches. We stayed in a hostel, with four to a room. At the hostel there were two Tucans. It was the first time I had seen Tucans and they were incredible. We hung out a lot at the central Plaza in Concepcion. There was a market where we all bought indigenous crafts. On Saturday we went to a couple more small towns, in one of them we took a "walk" which turned into an hour and a half hike on rocks and canyons. It was amazing. It was very hot. And not very hot,  it was super duper incredibly mind blowingly hot!! But the view from some of the points was astounding. Then we ate lunch, chicken soup, reminded me of cold winters. Another little town we went to was adorable. Beautiful children dressed in classic Bolivian gettup and dancing to indigenous music. We had homemade breads and watched some villagers set up a    slicked up pole that people were to climb. We also went to a wood carving class. I really did not carve very well. After butchering my wood piece I asked for some cloth to paint an Orchid on and I really enjoyed learning from one of the artists how to paint an Orchid, it's beautiful. The trip was amazing and I was very happy to have sometime for all the exchange students from district 4960 to get to know each other. We all had a great time and learned a lot about each other. This weekend was amazing.


  1. Happy Birthday Hailey!

    You are so very fortunate to be having these adventures - and with today's technology, to be able to journal the experiences for all to see. Thank you, thank you and . . . enjoy your birthday.

    (PS: I visited your US based Mom in Rural yesterday - we celebrated your birthday with walking Calvin and a 25cent ice cream.

  2. Looks like a nice bunch of exchange students. What other countries are they from? Hope U keep in touch with all of them via FB or your blog. R the others blogging too? Lots of local folks are following your adventures. Nice pics., they show a nice story.

  3. Sounds like you had a great experience. Nice photos and description of your experience.
