Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Last Day

Well, the last day is finally here. After waiting and waiting I'm almost there. I don't know what to say, or feel. What am I supposed to feel? I've been having fits over little things. My latest fit was about my black sweater that is really important to me. AND I CANT FIND IT! It's frustrating.
 I feel bad for my family who has to deal with cranky, emotional Hailey lately. Hopefully this is just a phase.
I'm sure I'll be just dandy tomorrow at the airport.
And I already miss some people I said goodbye to. Why would people WANT to go through this? Well, that is a question only an exchange student could answer, and there are no words for it.


  1. Please keep in mind that the return or re-entry to the USA will possible be more powerful than the departure as you could face reverse culture shock. It is all good. We are proud that you are taking this huge step for our Fields-Johnson Clan. You are the pioneer. It is good to experience the frustrations you are experiencing. This is called growing. Keep your eyes open as our thoughts are with you and will be with you every day.

    Sam Fields

  2. thank you Sam,and I agree, Im glad Im doing this when I am so i dont have trouble with my emotions down the line later in life. I feel very fortunate to be able to do this. thanks for calling me a pioneer, Id like to think I am. :)

  3. the minute i walked out of the airport and into Santa Cruz, i knew it would be hard going back, it was such a weird feeling.
